watching the gig racing |
A young man prods crabs with a stick at Newford Island — his girlfriend collects shells to arrange into an
Art Attack — a lady sings along to Fleetwood Mac over her loom at Portloo Studios — coffee at beautifully positioned
Juliet's Garden — walking over bouncy, rounded heather — Devonshire Ruby cows munch the scrub, penned in by electricity — Iron Age village at
Halangy Down looks like a well-kept rockery — a lozenge of wild meadow overbrims with
small tortoiseshell — needle carpeted woods, blackberry bushes — a creatively arranged stack of round boulders at Innisidgen — cut back through pastoral fields, high hedges and swallows — watch the back-breaking
gig race from the quay — not sure who wins until we check the results board in town — victory to Nornour!