Friday, 8 July 2011

Medway - day 3 - Deadmans Island

Landing point on Deadmans Island
Exposed grave on Deadmans Island
Cockle shell banks
Flowering sea lavender on Deadmans Island
Safe return to Sheppey

Wake at 6:30 to find Dave already packing up camp — I feel happily unwashed and grubby — before we know it, we're pushing the canoe off of Darnet for the last time — another punishing headwind awaits — hug the edge of Nor Marsh — dock, and promptly settle on a bench for breakfast — a chipper Kent bloke barks a few friendly words at us, impressively using the term 'ritzy' — canoe on car, we're off to the Isle of Sheppey — with comments of 'good luck' and 'mind the curse' from local fishermen we paddle off from Queenborough slipway to Deadmans Island — dodge through the yachts on a fast moving tide — hoist the canoe onto a cockleshell bank, dragging it over a human bone or two — check out the uncovered graves — no one fancies eating the samphire here — walk over the sea purslane to a stake-lined channel separating us from Chetney Marshes — dismal impression in the rain — with the tide out, it's a two-man bobsleigh charge across lots and lots of mud — back in the canoe, we edge our way back to the slipway — the yacht club public conveniences allow us to get some dry clothes on — a quick stop on Elmley Island — a long safari drive through the grassy flatlands to the RSPB reserve for lunch — handshakes and smiles farewell